Community Management

From audits that help you generate a community strategy, to complete hands-on management I provide solutions for the success of any online community.  My specialty as a Facebook Certified Community Manager is creating, managing, and scaling inclusive and dynamic communities to help you achieve your goals.  I don’t just have the talent and skill to build engaged and diverse communities, I have a passion for empowering others to do the same. 

Community Management Portfolio

Admins Helping Admins

In early 2020, I collaborated with a group of like-minded community managers to put our years of experience managing communities to work by helping other admins.  The resulting product is Admins Helping Admins, a community founded to support, coach, and collaborate with other Facebook group admins in the Greater Los Angeles area.  

In a little over a year, the group has grown to include over 400 admins of local Buy Nothing Groups looking 

Image Composition Credit: Ramona Monteros

for support on everything from how to create community strategy and scaling their groups to best practices for fostering inclusive and diverse communities.  

My Work for The Buy Nothing Project

My first foray into the world of Community Management for Facebook Groups was in early 2015 when a friend asked me if I would be willing to take on the management of our neighborhood’s local Buy Nothing Project group. 

While it let me get my feet wet with a group that someone else was created, it taught me one of the most valuable skills for a community manager, how to find my own voice in the group while also speak through the voice of an organization.  I quickly learned it is not only a skill I enjoy but also one at which I excel. 

By 2018, I was invited to join the Buy Nothing Project’s Regional Team that was responsible for recruiting, training, and managing all of the local admin team members in the Greater Los Angeles area.  At that time, there were close to 200 admins in the nearly 100 groups that I held admin status in.  That is A LOT of notifications.  When the position was eliminated by the Project in 2019, I was asked to stay on as a member of the training team and as a coach and mentor.  A position I still hold today as I support over 400 admins in the Greater Los Angeles area and participate on a training and coaching team that supports over 11,000 admins in 5,500 Buy Nothing groups worldwide. 

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